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It is a mix of the right mentality, a clear vision and challenging objectives that allowed NGT - over period of 30 years - to develop into the company it is today. Although market shares show structural growth and in some markets have even risen above 50%, 'being the largest manufacturer' has never been the ambition. At NGT, service does not stop once you have signed a purchase contract. And that is much more than a trivial statement: NGT is there for you even long after the completion of your project.


NGT stands for bundled expertise and "Made in Germany & Holland", with production and development facilities on both sides of the border. Places where craftsmanship still counts and the quality and safety standards are high.


The professionals within the NGT-team have worked for decades in various capacities in the bowling industry. The NGT team therefore not only includes qualified engineers and technicians in the field of bowling technology, multimedia solutions and interior construction. But also with regard to center management, marketing and sales, NGT has the right people to help you with the successful (re)opening of your new or modernized bowling center.


All NGT products are based on the current state of technology and meet European quality and safety standards. This way you are guaranteed of a high-quality product at an attractive pricelevel.

Join a fast growing community in Europe. Enter the future of bowling with NGT-Bowling!

NGT Bowling Equipment


The unique airOlift uses the same modular (pneumatic) technology that is used in the airOsetter.

The premium quality Hood & Rack are available in any color or design, turning them into an unique extension of your interior design on the approach...

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Premium LED Reflex Lanes

Also in terms of bowling lane surface technology and so called synthetic overlay NGT is breaking grounds. The Premium LED Reflex Lanes offer optimal bowling-performance, intense reflection of light-effects and are available in almost any color or design. 


The brand-new NGT IMPULSE Scoring system and NGT IMPULSE Center Manager software will convince you with a compact design and extremely stable performance. IMPULSE is completely being developed in-house and offers everything needed nowadays to please your bowlers.

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Masking PRO


NGT sets new standards in the field of masking technology with the introduction of Masking Pro. State-of-the-art media technology is being used to knock your guests of their feet during a visit to your bowling center.



Meet the most energy-efficient pinsetter in the bowling industry. The use of innovative modular (pneumatic) technology result in minimal operational expenses and maximum fun for your bowlers...

NGT Product Videos

Here you will find a selection of NGT Product videos

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